I Know What
'Bless Your Heart'
Really Means

By Heather Walton
Birmingham Post Reader

The other day I was waiting at a cross walk with my five-month-old baby, Kevin, in his stroller.
A primly dressed woman in her late fifties walked up and waited for the light beside us.
She gave me a small sideways “hello” and then peaked inside the stroller.
“What an adorable baby,” she said looking down at my little olive-skinned angel. “Are you babysitting?”
“No,” I said, “he’s mine.”
Then this lady looks at my baby, and back at my white face, and says, “Bless his heart.”
She then started walking quickly down the sidewalk and said over her shoulder, “and bless you for being so strong.”
“I’m not a single mother,” I yelled after her, though she didn’t seem to hear.
My African-American husband is a corporate litigation attorney and I’m a CPA, but some how when this woman looked in our $600 stroller she saw a mixed baby with a welfare mother who got ditched by her baby’s black daddy.
This is NOT an uncommon occurrence in my daily life.
I’m sick and tired of narrow-minded, condescending Southern Baptists who think they own the moral high ground and can judge everybody else.
And there’s no shortage of people like that in Birmingham.
These bible-thumpers need to learn they aren’t morally superior to anyone- they’re racially prejudiced and xenophobic, support policies based on fear and hatred, and support corrupt officials who break every code of morality there is, including starting criminal wars that kill thousands of people.
There’s nothing moral about it- just a bunch of white people being polite to each other.
And for the record, we’ve figured out that “bless your heart” is an insult.
Pass the word- us heathens have ack-craid the ode-cay.

Is P.F. Jones?